Saturday, April 30, 2011

Saint Clare

First Floor Closet
We have three TV's.  Two are in the closet along with an old Mac II E.  On the shelf above are two printers and a photo printer.  There's another TV in the living room, a 17 inch monstrosity, on which we watch rented DVD's.  In the basement is an IMAC and a microwave.  My fax machine is packed away in Dawn's studio next to her easel.  It still works but the paper cutter is non functional.  The paper it uses is the onion skin type stuff that fades in a week.

For the news, I step outside with the dog at 6:30 am.  Wind direction, honking geese, a pheasant pair walking down at the north fence line, horses whinnying, a far off bark,  sandhill cranes skrawking in the cornfield across from Freymiller's farm,  a bluejay yelling "thief,thief" and a crow convention in the treeline at the river tell me all's well.  From the amount of traffic on the highway, I can tell the day of the week.  Three radio stations play non stop oldies, country music and Christian music.  For  national news I turn to NPR. Because we're close to the Minnesota border, I can also pull in MPR(Minnesota Public Radio).  It's not much different than WPR. That and a weekly news magazine called The Week are all I need. Wait! I take that back. My connection with the world of bloggers( spell check declares floggers as an acceptable substitute) keeps my finger on the pulse of the nation. At least ones with more than half a brain. Sherry and Jean watch out, I'm feeling your pulse.

My daughter sent me this as a Christmas present a few years back.  There's a double meaning here. She's a quick wit. I wonder why she still lives in Arizona.  I'm an apprentice carver.  I studied under a famous santero when we lived in Arizona.  True to my upbringing as a lapsed Catholic, I carve lapsed saints. The nun below is not my third grade teacher.  She was and is a saint.  It's carved in the image of Sister Sixtis the Principal who carried a wooden yardstick.
This lady is slightly chagrined because an indiscretion has left her with child. The stuff in the background is used for perspective. The sun was out this morning when I began.  The dog came in the office several times to remind me of this fact. I ignored her.  Now, it's getting ugly out there.  When will I learn to listen to those with more brains.



okjimm said...

hey, neat photo!!! I heard some folks take old monitors and turn them into aquariums.... or maybe you could grow onions or such. just an idea

Gavrillo said...

The former owners installed one of those 16' expanded metal black satellite dishes on the south fence line. I've been meaning to turn it into a gazebo. Now I've got an idea for an aquarium in the gazebo. All right!